Advancing Sustainability Using ICT

The environmental issues we now face are believed to be the result of our social systems. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has the potential to help us better understand, monitor in read-time, and reduce our impact on the environment. AITIS Lab, in the Department of Engineering Science, is committed to utilize the engineering expertise and research activity of its faculty to initiate innovative and sustainable graduate and undergraduate projects to educate future environmentally responsible and skilled engineers. We work with local industries and organizations to provide sustainable engineering solutions. Click here to learn more about our research activities and ongoing projects .....more; / Main Page. Checkout our Calendar of Events.

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Electroencephalography (EEG)

"Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp produced by the firing of neurons within the brain.” In medical applications EEG is used to detect conditions such as epilepsy by recording and observing electrical activity from the brain that travels along the scalp. EEG recordings have traditionally been carried out using a mas- sive recording device, connected to the patients by several leads and tying them down to the bed or seat. The focus of this project is  to design a compact wireless EEG/ECG monitoring device using commercially available electronic components. A number of solutions have been proposed: TI ADS2098; More information about ECGAn MCU-Based System for Processing EEG Data this project uses PIC processor. Learn more about patient monitoring systems
